oct. 13, 2004 $code = 'function gd_info() { $array = Array( "GD Version" => "", "FreeType Support" => 0, "FreeType Support" => 0, "FreeType Linkage" => "", "T1Lib Support" => 0, "GIF Read Support" => 0, "GIF Create Support" => 0, "JPG Support" => 0, "PNG Support" => 0, "WBMP Support" => 0, "XBM Support" => 0 ); $gif_support = 0; ob_start(); eval("phpinfo();"); $info = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); foreach(explode("\n", $info) as $line) { if(strpos($line, "GD Version")!==false) $array["GD Version"] = trim(str_replace("GD Version", "", strip_tags($line))); if(strpos($line, "FreeType Support")!==false) $array["FreeType Support"] = trim(str_replace("FreeType Support", "", strip_tags($line))); if(strpos($line, "FreeType Linkage")!==false) $array["FreeType Linkage"] = trim(str_replace("FreeType Linkage", "", strip_tags($line))); if(strpos($line, "T1Lib Support")!==false) $array["T1Lib Support"] = trim(str_replace("T1Lib Support", "", strip_tags($line))); if(strpos($line, "GIF Read Support")!==false) $array["GIF Read Support"] = trim(str_replace("GIF Read Support", "", strip_tags($line))); if(strpos($line, "GIF Create Support")!==false) $array["GIF Create Support"] = trim(str_replace("GIF Create Support", "", strip_tags($line))); if(strpos($line, "GIF Support")!==false) $gif_support = trim(str_replace("GIF Support", "", strip_tags($line))); if(strpos($line, "JPG Support")!==false) $array["JPG Support"] = trim(str_replace("JPG Support", "", strip_tags($line))); if(strpos($line, "PNG Support")!==false) $array["PNG Support"] = trim(str_replace("PNG Support", "", strip_tags($line))); if(strpos($line, "WBMP Support")!==false) $array["WBMP Support"] = trim(str_replace("WBMP Support", "", strip_tags($line))); if(strpos($line, "XBM Support")!==false) $array["XBM Support"] = trim(str_replace("XBM Support", "", strip_tags($line))); } if($gif_support==="enabled") { $array["GIF Read Support"] = 1; $array["GIF Create Support"] = 1; } if($array["FreeType Support"]==="enabled"){ $array["FreeType Support"] = 1; } if($array["T1Lib Support"]==="enabled") $array["T1Lib Support"] = 1; if($array["GIF Read Support"]==="enabled"){ $array["GIF Read Support"] = 1; } if($array["GIF Create Support"]==="enabled") $array["GIF Create Support"] = 1; if($array["JPG Support"]==="enabled") $array["JPG Support"] = 1; if($array["PNG Support"]==="enabled") $array["PNG Support"] = 1; if($array["WBMP Support"]==="enabled") $array["WBMP Support"] = 1; if($array["XBM Support"]==="enabled") $array["XBM Support"] = 1; return $array; }'; function gd_version() { global $code; if (empty($result)) { if (!function_exists('gd_info')) $gd_info = eval($code); else $gd_info = gd_info(); if (substr($gd_info['GD Version'], 0, strlen('bundled (')) == 'bundled (') { $result = (float) substr($gd_info['GD Version'], strlen('bundled ('), 3); } else { $result = (float) substr($gd_info['GD Version'], 0, 3); } } return $result; } function ImageCreateFunction($x_size, $y_size) { $ImageCreateFunction = 'ImageCreate'; if (gd_version() >= 2.0) { $ImageCreateFunction = 'ImageCreateTrueColor'; } if (!function_exists($ImageCreateFunction)) { return FALSE; } return $ImageCreateFunction($x_size, $y_size); } function ImageCopyFunction($dst_im, $src_im, $dstX, $dstY, $srcX, $srcY, $dstW, $dstH, $srcW, $srcH) { $ImageCopyFunction = 'ImageCopyResized'; if (gd_version() >= 2.0) { $ImageCopyFunction = 'ImageCopyResampled'; } if (!function_exists($ImageCopyFunction)) { return FALSE; } return $ImageCopyFunction($dst_im, $src_im, $dstX, $dstY, $srcX, $srcY, $dstW, $dstH, $srcW, $srcH); } function generateThumb($sourceFilename, $thumb_x, $square=FALSE, $border=FALSE) { $image_info = getimagesize($sourceFilename); $image_width = $image_info[0]; $image_height = $image_info[1]; if ($image_width<$thumb_x) $thumb_x = $image_width; if ($square) { $thumb_image_x = $thumb_x; $thumb_image_y = $thumb_x; } // workaround for v1.6.2 where the GIF images arent recognized. $ImgCreate = 'ImageCreateFromJPEG'; switch ($image_info['mime']) { case 'image/gif': $ImgCreate = 'ImageCreateFromGIF'; break; case 'image/jpeg': $ImgCreate = 'ImageCreateFromJPEG'; break; case 'image/png': $ImgCreate = 'ImageCreateFromPNG'; break; } if (!$square) { $shrinkratio = $image_width/$thumb_x; $thumb_y = $image_height/$shrinkratio; $start_x = 0; $start_y = 0; } else if ($square) { if ($image_width>$image_height) { $shrinkratio = $image_width/$thumb_x; $thumb_y = $image_height/$shrinkratio; $start_x = 0; $start_y = (abs($thumb_image_y - $thumb_y)) / 2; } else if ($image_width<=$image_height) { $shrinkratio = $image_height/$thumb_x; $thumb_y =$thumb_x; $thumb_x = $image_width/$shrinkratio; $start_y = 0; $start_x = (abs($thumb_image_x - $thumb_x)) / 2; } } $thumbInput = @$ImgCreate($sourceFilename); if (!$thumbInput) { /* See if it failed */ $thumbInput = imagecreate($thumb_x, $thumb_y); /* Create a blank image */ $bgc = imagecolorallocate($thumbInput, 255, 255, 255); $tc = imagecolorallocate($thumbInput, 0, 0, 0); imagefilledrectangle($thumbInput, 0, 0, 150, 30, $bgc); /* Output an errmsg */ imagestring($thumbInput, 1, 5, 5, "Error loading $sourceFilename", $tc); imagejpeg($thumbInput,'',90); imagedestroy($thumbInput); } else { if ($square) { $thumbOutput = ImageCreateFunction($thumb_image_x,$thumb_image_y) or die("couldn't create image"); $border_x = $thumb_image_x - 1; $border_y = $thumb_image_y - 1; } else { $thumbOutput = ImageCreateFunction($thumb_x,$thumb_y) or die("couldn't create image"); $border_x = $thumb_x - 1; $border_y = $thumb_y - 1; } $background_color = imagecolorallocate($thumbOutput, 255, 255, 255); imagefill($thumbOutput,0,0,$background_color); ImageCopyFunction($thumbOutput,$thumbInput,$start_x,$start_y,0,0,$thumb_x,$thumb_y,$image_width,$image_height) or die("coudln't resize image"); if ($border) { $border_color = imagecolorallocate($thumbOutput, 0, 0, 0); imagerectangle($thumbOutput,0,0,$border_x,$border_y,$border_color) or die("couldn't create image"); } imagejpeg($thumbOutput,'',90); imagedestroy($thumbOutput); } } ### here we call the function, and we get the GET parameters; $pic = $_GET['pic']; $thumbWidth = $_GET['w']; $isSquare = ($_GET['sq']=='Y')? TRUE : FALSE; $isBorder = ($_GET['b']=='Y') ? TRUE : FALSE; ## if check is submitted then do the queries needed, otherwise create the pics if ($_GET['check']=="phpinfo") { phpinfo(); } else if ($_GET['check']=="gdinfo") { gd_info(); } if ($_GET['check']=="") { if (isset($pic)&&$thumbWidth>0) { header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); generateThumb($pic, $thumbWidth, $isSquare, $isBorder); } else if (!isset($pic)) { echo "ERROR: No image submitted"; } else if ($thumbWidth<=0) { echo "ERROR: Invalid resizing option"; } } ?>